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Editorial Complaints Policy

Commitment to Accuracy and Fairness

At Celtic CBD, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of accuracy, fairness, and integrity in our content. We welcome feedback and take complaints regarding our editorial content seriously.

Lodging a Complaint

If you believe our content breaches editorial standards or contains factual inaccuracies, please follow these steps to lodge a complaint:

Contact Us

Send an email to detailing the nature of your complaint. Please include:


Upon receipt of your complaint, we will acknowledge its receipt within [X] business days and initiate an investigation into the matter.

Investigation Process

Our editorial team will thoroughly investigate the complaint, examining the content, sources, and any relevant information provided. This process may involve consulting subject matter experts, fact-checking, and assessing the validity of the concerns raised.


Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate action based on the findings:

Correction or Update

If factual inaccuracies are identified, we will promptly correct or update the content with a note indicating the changes made.


If the complaint is not upheld, we will provide a detailed explanation outlining the reasons behind our decision.

Apology or Redress

In cases where errors are confirmed, we may issue an apology and offer appropriate redress, if necessary.


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may request a review or appeal by providing additional information or evidence to support your case. We will re-examine the matter and respond accordingly within a reasonable timeframe.

Our Commitment

Celtic CBD is dedicated to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement. We value feedback from our audience and strive to maintain the highest editorial standards in all our content.

Contact Us

For editorial complaints or concerns, please email us at Your feedback helps us improve and maintain the quality of our content.

Thank you for your engagement and for helping us uphold our commitment to accuracy and fairness.

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